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IDS export

Last Updated: April 15, 2024

The Information Delivery Specification (IDS) export feature empowers users to export information requirements in a standardized, machine interpretable format. This capability not only enhances interoperability but also contributes to clearer communication and collaboration within the construction industry. It aligns with buildingSMART International openBIM standards, ensuring that the project data is in harmony with global best practices.

Feature Workflow

Select Information Requirements: To start the IDS export, choose the specific information requirements you want to include. You can filter them based on your export needs. If you don’t filter, all requirements are exported. But remember, this export includes only alphanumerical information and Object classifications about Objects that are classified according to IFC.

Exported Files: When you trigger the IDS export, Cobuilder Link neatly organizes the exported data into folders. Each folder represents a different actor from the Level of Information Need, ensuring a clear structure. Note that actor information isn’t directly in the IDS file but is organized into folders.

IDS Files: In each actor’s folder, the system creates separate IDS files for different combinations of Milestones and Purposes. Each IDS file lists one Milestone and one Purpose, making it precise and focused.

Individual Specifications: Inside each IDS file, Cobuilder Link generates detailed specifications for the Milestone-Purpose combination. These specifications are specific to the Information requirements for each IFC entity linked to the selected Objects. The specifications are named after the Object for easy identification.

Classifications Export: Each specification within the IDS file includes comprehensive details about the object’s associated classifications, providing extra context beyond standard IFC classifications.

Properties Export:

Property is mapped to IFC: If a property in Cobuilder Link is mapped to the IFC schema (e.g., “Pset_RoofCommon.LoadBearing”), the system exports it with the Property Set and Property Name correctly positioned within the IFC file
Property is named according to IFC: If a property isn’t explicitly classified but follows the IFC naming convention, it’s exported using the same method as in (1).
Properties not associated with IFC: When a property isn’t classified in the IFC schema and doesn’t follow IFC naming conventions, it’s exported under the “CobuilderLink_requirements” Property Set with the same name as in Cobuilder Link.
Properties are exported with their IFC measure.

Manage information requirements
Enrich IFC